Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why aren't we rising up?

Our schools are in disarray. Don't people understand that learning is our only means in Capitalism? Unless they were counting on having welfare babies to pay for everything.. that might actually work.

Meanwhile, those of us want to actually work and do something we like to do, something that makes money.. well we're screwed. No one helps through college and therefore many have to just work instead of being educated.. then most of us are so poor that we qualify for welfare.. we never leave that tax bracket.. our economy suffers and people start losing jobs.. then we have this mess. Great.

So what are we going to do about it? I have some suggestions but I know people will start screaming that "THAT MONEY IS MINE MINE MINE I DON WANNA SHARE!!" Then leave.

-welfare reform

Does anyone else find it absolutely disgusting that a 6 time felon, one child removed from her care, becomes pregnant in rehab by another rehab "patient" and can collect all sorts of money based on the child she irresponsibly had (doesn't have to work or anything) and yet a student, who is TRYING to get an education in order to get a better career who will be able to pay taxes one day is turned down for food stamps because they lost their job?

How about the fact that so many people are screaming in the streets about "WAAA WAAAAAA I DON WANNA DO PUBLIC HEALTHCARE BECAUSE DATS MY MONEYZ!!" while they're not saying or doing ANYTHING about said loser collecting living wages for a FAMILY from the state?

Backwards much?

-education system reform

How about K-12, EVERYWHERE, that is worth a damn? Yes, that's right, run by the FED so that local governments can't teach what VERSION of history they feel is appropriate. You're kidding me, right? Gee, I wonder why there are so many uneducated/stupid people in America. It couldn't be their lack of education, nope.

How about, say, not sending kids home every summer? Very few kids/teens work on farms anymore, so why are we still on this 9 months on, 3 months off schedule? This doesn't make sense. We end up losing most of what we learned and spending half of the next year reviewing. We don't really LEARN that way.

How about, instead of giving hand outs to little miss I-can't-seem-to-understand-contraceptives, we take them and give them to the people who are trying to MAKE something of themselves? Or do only rich people and losers get hand outs in this country?

-media reform

The whole truth and nothing but the truth is only acceptable in our courtrooms, so why all the BS on TV? Why are people allowed to be told half truths and mislead into voting against their own interests? Freedom of Speech, sure! Freedom to lie and mislead a nation? Nah, sorry.

-remove religion from the government

I'm sorry, I don't tell YOU how to live, I don't come into YOUR house and tell you how to have sex or with whom you may have it, I don't have to approve who you love before you're allowed to marry them.. so please, LEAVE ME ALONE.

-new economic system

Clearly, capitalism isn't working.. too many people out there that have their own agenda. Before you go screeching unholy devil at me, I am NOT suggesting COMMUNISM. That is another extreme. Say it with me; the opposite of sick is still sick. :D

That being said, a definite lack of JOBS is being seen here. Even when you get a job, job security is a joke. No, it's not as bad as it could be, but if you want to have a stable economy you MUST have a stable workforce. What we NEED is a hybrid of Capitalism and Socialism.. a rock bottom, if you will.

Yes this will require people to pay more taxes.. but wouldn't it feel better knowing that you'll never be sleeping in a tent on the off-ramp next to I-5? Yea I thought so too.

-mostly, for people to stop. WHINING.

I'm sorry, but if you make over $100,000 a year with a family of 3 and you're constantly broke.. that isn't you being "taxed to death".. that's you not being able to budget and overspending on shit you don't need.

Like a 4 bedroom house and 2 brand new cars.

Not really my business what you spend your money on, true, but if I have to hear one more asshat whining because the gom'ment is "stealin ther moneh" or how broke you are as you're going to your very expensive hair stylist then to get your manicure and pedicure, I'm going to scream.

JUST some things to think about.

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